



Memory Keeping: Just Start Now

Hello Friend! If you’re new to Persnickety Prints, here’s a bit about me and why I started this company …

I’ve been obsessed with photos & memory keeping since I was a little girl.

In the 5th grade, I took it upon myself to take class photos with my 110 film camera. I developed, cut and glued photos into books & then sold them as our “5th grade yearbook”.

Fast forward to 2008 & 3 little boys. It was hard to keep up with “scrapbooking”, so I learned Adobe Photoshop and converted to digital memory keeping. I wasn’t satisfied with the 12×12 prints I was getting from Costco, and the pro-lab prices were (and still are) in the $10-$20 price range (per print!). 
There HAD to be a way to professionally print 12×12 digital layouts for under $2.

I was determined to make it happen. Enter Persnickety Prints. For over 10 years now, Persnickety ranks #1 for the highest quality and lowest price 12×12 photographic print –  in the world. We’re also “persnickety” about photo books, cards, collage prints, journals, enlargements, canvas and mounting products.

my 19 year old self and scrapbook

I don’t know where to start!

I hear this cry for help almost every day. You’re taking more photos than ever before, but you don’t know what to do with them.

Here’s my answer: start today. We put off doing anything at all because the sheer volume of digital photos we’ve accumulated is too overwhelming. I get it. I take thousands of photos, each month. Start today, and once you get in the rhythm, go back and catch up.

Keep it Simple

It’s about the stories and putting our precious memories together into a tangible format we can share and enjoy… forever. Don’t get hung up on the little things. Journaling is not my strong point, printing the photos and getting them into an album is my goal. Even if you’re just printing your favorite photos and keeping them in a box, you have them, that’s a win.

Life is short, start living today.

Life is Short

I use to think, “I’ll get around to it when my boys are older”. Guess what? They’re older! I’m certainly happy that I didn’t listen to myself. I would not remember their little sayings, their firsts or their lasts, and neither would they if we didn’t have these albums. What we write down and what we see is what we remember. These photo albums are priceless to our family.

how to start scrapbooking

Mental Health

Mental health is a big issue today. Kids are more stressed out and full of anxiety than ever before. Kids have to battle so much more mentally. I was the Mom that was determined to “program” little angels. I wore myself out keeping them busy. I didn’t allow toy guns or video games in the home… guess what? They find a way. These little humans are pre programed. Nothing I had “planned” as a young mother is how it is today. Even with my protection, my boys struggle with anxiety, fears, divorce, self doubt, etc.

However, my boys know they are loved. Wherever they choose to go, they’ll always know that their mother took them to Disneyland! 🙂 But really, you know what I mean. Statistics show that the when children see photos of themselves it builds confidence and a feeling of safety and belonging starting at a very young age. If you have young kids, start now. Find a simple system that works for you and document pieces of their lives, do it for them. Looking back on memories will not only remind them of great times, but ignite the same emotion once felt.

how to scrapbook

These are the moments that shape them. They matter. Don’t trust the latest social media platform to keep them for you!

Make a plan, it’s never too late

How many photos do you take a day? A month? Do you enjoy writing, crafting, creating with your hands? Are you computer savvy? Maybe you don’t have a computer, only a phone. That’s ok! I have countless ways to help you free your photos and get them safely in your hands.

Find a photo album that works for you and make a goal to fill one per year. In this blog post I share what has worked for me. And don’t forget, Dad’s can scrapbook too!

persnickety prints