



Free 4×6 Quote Templates

“Character, like a photograph, develops in darkness.” -karsh

Yesterday we launched a package of 12 free 3×4 photography quotes for you to download, print and use in your pocket pages, memory keeping, or digital 12×12 layouts.

As per request, we’re also providing you with a 4×6 size with the quote on the left and an image placeholder on the right in a .psd and .png format. Trim them down to 2 3×4’s, or print as a 4×6.
free4x6template free4x6template2

Download includes both a .psd and .png format to be used in the software of your choice.


Have fun with them! We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Be sure to share on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with hashtag #persnicketyprints
