



Free 3×4 Adventure Card Download

Summer 2015 Goal: Beat the Heat & Go Outside

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

In a world of electronics and the comfort of never leaving our homes, it’s important to make it priority to get out and take in the beauty of the world.

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At Persnickety Prints, we’re passionate about storytelling through high quality, tangible photos. We don’t sell digital designs, we do however, offer free stuff to our customers. Not our customer? Your memories are worth it!

These 3×4 digital cards are inspired by the great outdoors … Go Outside!

3x4gooutsidecard 3x4gooutsidecard3 3x4gooutsidecard4Print cards individually for pocket albums, or add digitally to a 12×12 layout.


12×12 Prints on Fuji Crystal Archive: a resin-based paper that is noted for its unmatched archival quality. It has long been considered the finest color photographic paper available and is the choice of professional photographers and commercial labs. ONLY $1.99 each.


Can’t wait to see what you create!

Be sure to share on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with hashtag #persnicketyprints


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